Are the fees I paid my bankruptcy lawyer and trustee tax deductible?

Basic Information Bankruptcy fees paid to lawyers and trustees can be either a tax deduction or not and it will depend on the type of bankruptcy filed, Chapter 7 or 13, and on the items included in the petition. In order to take any bankruptcy expense as a deductible item on your taxes, you will need to file a Form 1040 and itemize your expenses. If you file using the short form, you will not be allowed to claim any itemized deductions.

Deductions Allowed by IRS
Regular legal expenses for Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies and the filing fees, $299 for Chapter 7 and $274 for Chapter 13, are not deductible as defined in IRS Publication 908, the Bankruptcy Tax guide, which rules these fees as personal expenditures. However, if your attorney spends time communicating with the IRS regarding any tax issues you have; those fees are deductible and will be listed as a miscellaneous expense on your Schedule A tax form. Any fees that you pay to either your attorney or an accountant for the preparation of your taxes while you are in a bankruptcy proceeding will be taxable itemized deductions on your Schedule A Tax Form.

Allowable Expenses as Tax Deductions
Any item paid in your plan to a trustee that would normally be a tax deduction, such as back federal or state taxes, spousal support, delinquent mortgage payments or mortgage interest, can still be taken as a personal tax deduction. These are expenses that you are paying through the bankruptcy distribution process by your payment plan administrator, the trustee, and it is the same as if you were writing the check yourself. It is a good practice to ask an accountant or your attorney if you are not sure whether an item is deductible or not.

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Filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection (Business Bankruptcy)

What Happens Pursuant to Chapter 11?
When a business files for Chapter 11, the business is provided an opportunity to propose a reorganization plan. If an agreement with creditors is not reached during that time then the creditors are provided with an opportunity to propose a reorganization plan.  The plans must meet specific criteria in order for to be approved by the bankruptcy court.  If a reorganization plan is not reached and agreed to by the creditors then the Bankruptcy Court can either convert the case to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceeding or it can discharge the case entirely.

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